Worship Support

During worship, many people perform unique and specific roles. The deacon reads the Gospel and prepares the table. The priests preach and celebrate.
Yet there are many lay individuals whose ministries add to the richness and glory of our worship. Everyone interested in joining one of these ministries can speak with a member of the clergy or someone involved in the ministry.
- Altar Guild members lovingly prepare the altar and communion elements before each service, and cleanse the altar and communion vessels after each service.
- Greeters welcome everyone who walks in our doors.
- Ushers greet worshipers, distribute bulletins, count attendance, receive the offering, and guide worshippers to and from communion.
- The Verger assures that everything is ready for the service and often guides the participants in the service.
- Acolytes, who are typically youth in 6th grade or older, carry the crosses and torches in procession and assist the clergy during the service.
- Lectors read the scripture and lead the prayers of the people.
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the chalice, and, in the absence of sufficient numbers of clergy, distribute the bread.
- Lay Eucharistic Visitors take consecrated bread and wine from the church and take it to homebound parishioners.
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