This is what Stewardship Sounds Like

By Doug Starr
Early this month, Bill Haine and the Organcraft pipe organ enterprise that maintains our Schantz pipe organ, brought back these tuba pipes after their restoration. Bill describes the fix and sounds the remedy in this short video clip.
Installed in 1998, St. Paul’s Schantz organ is regionally acclaimed as one of the best pipe organ installations in recent history. Many who read this were involved in that installation as music committee members, financial donors and enthusiastic supporters. Here is where stewardship enters and all readers are engaged. Once we acquire a significant parish asset as we did in 1998 at the expense of $875,000, which is about $1.5 million in today’s dollars, we then possess a loyalty to the cause of preservation and upgrade. Parish giving is the well that we draw from to preserve these assets. We thank you for your loyalty!
In the new year on Friday April 8 at 7:00 pm, Pittsburgh’s Organ Artist Recital Series will feature Damin Spritzer in recital at St. Paul’s. Earlier that day, you can fill up on our parish fish fry and return at 7:00 pm to fill your hearts and minds with the sounds of our fabulous Schantz Organ. It will be a day when we fully realize the iconic expression here at St. Paul’s, “feed them and they will come.”
Tags: Worship and Music