Adult Education

Our education or formation as Christians does not end with Sunday School and Confirmation. Formation begins at infancy and continues throughout our life. We are continuing to be educated and formed in our faith and spirituality, not just learning more, but understanding more about the person God has created us to be and our relationship with God who loves and forgives us. We mature in our faith and try to live into the promises we make in our Baptismal Covenant.
Ignatian Way

The Ignatian exercises are a gift from the founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius. He developed them over 500 years ago to guide every person who desires it to a stronger relationship with God in Jesus. The genius of the exercises is that the process encourages each participant to journey to God their own way, in their own time. Each person's journey is different: You shape and for…
Read More »Learning to Pray

The Learning to Pray class offers an opportunity to expand your prayer life so you might get to know God better and draw God's presence deeper into your life. Most of us know how to approach God with our litany of needs, but most of us have struggled with learning to listen for God and how to deepen our relationship with God. The purpose of prayer is to have a dialogue with God s…
Read More »Sacred Ground

Exploring Racism and Discrimination in America
This ten part series offers videos, readings, and small group discussion to help us "walk through chapters of America's history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity." A special aspect of this program is that it offers us space to discuss racism in light of o…
Read More »St. Paul's 101

St. Paul's 101- Easter Season
Starts April 10, Wednesdays at 7:30PM in the Lounge
Are you new to St. Paul's, and trying to figure out the parish? Do you want to get connected or reconnected with the church during this time? Have you been here for a while, and want to learn more about the Episcopal Church or still find yourself wondering what's going on? Do you have questions you wa…
Read More »St. Paul's 201

Have you enjoyed St. Paul's 101, and are looking to learn more?* Join us for St. Paul's 201! These sessions will provide a deeper dive into how the Church has thought about what it means to live as God's people in this world. We will discuss the Episcopal Church's ongoing efforts to live into God's call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God, even in the midst of…
Read More »St. Paul's Small Groups
St. Paul’s Small Groups meet at various times throughout the week to read and discuss a common text or prayer. Small groups provide mutual support. Each has its own leader and meeting location. You are welcome to join a small group at any time. Many people stay with their same group throughout the year, and some join just because they are interested in a book or topic being discu…
Read More »Sunday Morning Adult Forum
Adult Forum takes place on most Sunday mornings during the program year from 9:45 to 10:30 AM. Clergy and parishioners of St. Paul's, share in presenting the Sunday morning offerings, covering a range of topics relating to scripture, theology, social justice, outreach and spirituality. Some topics are covered over several Sundays, others are one-time programs. The sessions are in…
Read More »Friday Book Club
This monthly group meets on the second Friday of the month at 1pm in the Lounge to discuss book selections chosen by participants, typically popular fiction and historical titles. New members are always welcome!
Bible Study with the Rector
Join us each Wednesday at noon for St. Paul's Rector-led Bible study. We will continue to meet each week for one hour. You are invited to come (bring a lunch) as we share God's word together. Let Noah know if you have any questions, or would like to join in...or just show up. Everyone is welcome!
Holy Land Pilgrimages

St. Paul's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
St. Paul's Library
St. Paul’s Library, located adjacent to the Parish Hall, has a wide variety of books and periodicals on spirituality, faith, theology, and other other topics. It also has a large collection of children’s books. The Library is open on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Everyone is encouraged to stop in, browse, and check out a book.