St. Paul's Small Groups: Good Book Club

Start your new year off with the spiritual practice of reading scripture and discussing it in community by joining a small group at St. Paul's! This Epiphany we will read the books of Ruth and Esther together. These two wonderful books explore the faithfulness and courage of two remarkable women and include themes of female empowerment, community and sacred kindness, and will inspire rich discussion and reflection.
The books of Esther and Ruth offer stories of women whose lives are threatened, and they must figure out how to faithfully survive. They are the only two books in the Bible named after women and are exciting stories full of drama.
Groups start the week of January 8th and run until Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday, Feb 21) as part of the Good Book Club. There is a daily reading schedule that can be found here. You can read along on your own or join one of our Small Groups.
Good Book Club Resources:
Other resources from the Good Book Club
Small Group Time and Leaders:
Sundays at 9:45AM at St. Paul's - Led by Cat Munz-- Email:
Tuesday at 7:00AM on Zoom – Led by Noah Evans-- Email:
Tuesday at 6:00PM at St. Paul's - Led by Laura Di Panfilo-- Email:
Wednesday at 7:30PM on Zoom– Led by Eileen Sharbaugh-- Email:
Thursday at 11:30AM on Zoom– Led by Erin Morey-- Email:
Tags: Adult Education