Volunteer Opportunities Serving the Parish and Community
Latest News
Trinity Walk-In Ministry
Trinity Walk-in Ministry, located at Trinity Cathedral downtown, currently needs donations of:
- new adult underwear, all sizes, especially men's
- rain ponchos
- reusable bags of all kinds: shopping bags (including ones with logos from stores or events); backpacks; and duffels.
You may leave your donations in the bin marked "Trinity Walk-In Ministry" located in the Undercroft. Thank you for your generosity in helping those who are struggling in our community.
Cooking Summer Meal Programs at The Table and at Neighborhood Resilience Project
The Table is a biweekly meal served in person at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community on the South Side. St. Paul's will cook, deliver, and serve meals on June 6, June 18, July 18, July 30, August 8, and August 20. Sign up to lead or assist with one of these meals here.

We will also be serving meals in the Hill District, for our partners at the Neighborhood Resilience Project this summer! We will be cooking these meals on June 11, July 2, and August 27, then delivering the meal the following day.
Carnegie Community Food Program with St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Paul's will once again be helping purchase, pack, and distribute meals in the Carnegie area during the summer. Opportunities will include helping pack meals at St. Paul's on Sundays after church, and distributing food in Carnegie every Friday, from June 3 to August 16th, from 11am to noon. Sign up to help here! Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey with any questions at erin@stpaulspgh.org.
Mother's Day Out at Holy Cross, Homewood
Follow these announcements for ways to help! - During the summer, St. Paul's will be supporting this program in the under-resourced community for moms and their preschool-aged children. There will be plenty of opportunities to help, especially during their Vacation Bible School the week of July 29 - August 2. We will continue to provide information about opportunities for volunteers to prepare at St. Paul's and serve food at Holy Cross. Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey with any questions at
Soup Sales
Stay tuned for sales of delicious homemade soup this summer to benefit our Outreach Ministries! Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey erin@stpaulspgh.org with questions.
Supporting the South Hills Food Pantry
Stay tuned for special drives for nonperishable food items, and opportunities to pack grocery bags, for our partners at the South Hills Food Pantry. Reach out to the Rev. Erin Morey erin@stpaulspgh.org with any questions.
Advocate with the Episcopal Public Policy Network
St. Paul's Social Justice and Anti-Racism Commission invites you to sign up to receive Action Alerts from the Episcopal Public Policy Network. You can also visit their page and sign all of their current Action Alerts right now! Contact the Rev. Erin Morey erin@stpaulspgh.org 412-531-7153 ext. 13 with any questions.
Donate Menstrual Hygiene Products
Help St. John's Lutheran Church provide period products to clients of the St. John's Free Fridge Pantry! Drop off packages of pads and tampons (any brand, any size) to the specially marked bin in St. Paul's Undercroft. Then, volunteers will repack them, and provide them to the food pantry for distribution. Contact the Rev. Erin Morey erin@stpaulspgh.org 412-531-7153 ext. 13 with any questions.
Neighborhood Resilience Project
Neighborhood Resilience Project is a partner ministry of St. Paul's, whose focus is on trauma-informed community development in Pittsburgh. We provide 120 brown-bag lunches for kids on the first Saturday of every month. If you would like to participate in this ministry, email The. Rev. Erin Morey. We are working on having more service opportunities with Neighborhood Resilience Project in the near future!
Collecting for Trinity Walk-In Ministry
Thank you to St. Paul’s for your ongoing donations to Trinity Walk-In Ministry! Watch this space for more opportunities as the seasons change.
Food Pantry Sunday
St. Paul’s collects food and monetary contributions to support the South Hills Food Pantry the first Sunday of the month. Please remember to bring your nonperishable food contributions to the service of your choice. All canned, jarred (plastic, please) and boxed items are appreciated. You can also donate financially to support the Food Pantry by clicking here. Contributions can be placed in the food box in the Undercroft at any time.
Providing a warm meal for someone after a surgery is such a blessing! At St Paul's we have a ministry which offers food for people. If you would like to be on the list to receive Meal Train requests (you are not obligated to prepare a meal for every request!), our parish would benefit from your generosity. To put your name on the list, please contact Erin at
Ride Ministry
At times, parishioners need help with rides to get to appointments. If you would like to have your name on the list to occasionally offer rides to parishioners in need, please contact Erin at
Volunteer Opportunities for our Parish Worship
Altar Guild
The altar guild prepares bread and wine, altar candles and cloths, book, vessels and vestments prior to every service, and cleans up afterward. Members also decorate the church seasonally. Open to men, women, and older youth. If you're interested in joining the altar guild, contact Noah at
The lectors read Scripture and lead the Prayers of the People during worship services. They are assigned about once every other month. Open to anyone! If interested, let Noah know at
Youth that are in third grade through seniors in high school help lead us in worship by serving as Acolytes! Acolytes help prepare for the service by lighting candles, holding candles, holding the Gospel book, and other important elements to our worship. If your youth would like to be trained and serve as an Acolyte, please contact Erin at
Come join the fun of the greeter ministry at St. Paul's! The role of the greeter is primarily to welcome people into each of our worship services and give them a bulletin. You will be provided training and instructions fafter you sign up. Contact Noah with any questions at
Worship Band
Our worship band leads us at the 8:45am service, and at other combined worship services throughout the year. The ensemble includes piano, guitar, bass and other instruments. Both teens and adults participate in this musical ensemble. They rehearse Sundays before church. Contact Bob at
bmelvin@stpaulspgh.org if you’re interested in joining the fun!
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings at the 10:45 liturgy and specializes in singing the great hymns and historic music of the Church. Supported by our magnificent Schantz pipe organ, 1998, and other instruments, this choir of college-age and adult singers offers wonderful choral anthems, solos, and descants, and leads our singing of Psalms and chant. We rehearse Thursdays during the program year from 7:30 until 8:45 PM and again on Sunday morning at 9:45 AM. Music reading ability and choral singing experience are a plus but not a requirement. Chancel Choir is a great source of fellowship, musicianship, and spirituality -- please join us!
Bell Choir
Do you love the beauty of a bell choir? Would you like to be part of a bell choir at St. Paul’s? Being a ringer in a bell choir does NOT require a musical background. We will teach you what you need to know! The only qualifications you need are:
- Interest in being part of a bell choir
- Availability to rehearse once a week in the weeks leading up to performances
- Willingness to learn basic musical notation
- Desire to make friends and build community around music
Bell Choir currently rehearses on Thursdays at 6:30PM. If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Jan Littrell at
janlittrell@gmail.com or Steven Cosnek at
stevencosnek@gmail.com. We want to hear from you!
Flower Ministry
The flowers on the altar of St. Paul's are given in memory of loved ones, in celebration for an anniversary or a birth, or for any occasion for which we give thanks to God. The flowers are funded weekly and during festive seasons such as Christmas and Easter. After the last service they are distributed to the ill, the shut-ins, those in need, and parishioners who deserve recognition in the life and work of St. Paul’s. The proceeds from the flowers are used to fund all the Altar Guild expenses including wafers, wine, linens, candles, and seasonal decorations.For more information about how to donate flowers,
email the church office or (412)531-7153x10. To volunteer to deliver flowers, contact the Rev. Erin Morey
emorey@stpaulspgh.org 412-531-7153 ext. 13.