Ways to Give

All donations to St. Paul's are tax-deductible. Donations may be made, and pledges paid, in the following ways:
Cash: You may pay your pledge through placing cash in a designated envelope in the collection plate on Sunday.
Check: You may pay your pledge through placing a check in the collection plate on Sunday or through the mail.
Online Bill Pay or ACH withdrawal: Many St. Paul's parishioners pay their pledges through online bill pay. To set up online bill pay, click here.
Credit Card: You can make one-time or recurring payments through the St. Paul's website. Please know St. Paul's pays a credit card transaction fee for this method which reduces the impact of your gift. Please visit our online giving page for more details.
From an IRA, or 401k, or other retirement account: There are certain tax benefits in making a contribution to St. Paul's directly from a retirement account. If you donate to St. Paul’s via your retirement account, make sure to send the name of your 401k or IRA financial institution to the Church office so the donation is correctly recorded to your giving history.
Matching Gifts: Some companies have matching gift programs. If you or your spouse are affiliated with such a company, please forward the company's matching gift form to the parish office.
Securities: Donating securities that have appreciated in value and have been held for more than twelve months may offer tax advantages. Please consult your tax attorney or financial consultant to determine the best way to make such a gift. Instructions on how to donate securities to St. Paul's can be obtained from the Church office.
Real Estate: Real estate that has been held for more than twelve months and has appreciated in value may be donated to the church with the same tax advantages as gifts of securities.
Donate a Vehicle: If you would like to donate your vehicle to St. Paul's, we work with the non-profit CARS. Please find the St. Paul's CARS donation page here.
Please remember St. Paul's Episcopal Church in your estate planning. More information about Planned Giving at St. Paul's Episcopal Church can be obtained through the Church office.