Pastoral Care
Pastoral care ministries make the love of God visible for parishioners. Clergy are available on a daily basis to talk to those wishing guidance, and visit parishioners in hospitals and at home if needed. The pastoral care hotline answers 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies such as accidents or to provide ministration to the dying: call (412)531-7153 and press 5. In addition, the members of St. Paul’s provide pastoral care through a number of ministries.
Car Ride and Meal Ministry
If you need a ride or would like to receive meals at your home, please contact the Pastoral Care Hotline at (412) 531-7153 and press 5. Call anytime, 24 hours a day.
Crisis Support Information
God loves you. We love you. There is hope.
If you or a loved one are experiencing any mental health crisis, call the National Mental Health Crisis Line at 988, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you are a resident of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, in any crisis:
Resolve Crisis Services
1-888-7-YOU-CAN (796-8226) or
Emergency Pet Care Volunteers

If you or a family member are hospitalized …
Read More »Flower Ministry
The flowers on the altar of St. Paul's are given in memory of loved ones, in celebration for an anniversary or a birth, or for any occasion for which we give thanks to God. The flowers are funded weekly and during festive seasons such as Christmas and Easter. After the last service they are distributed to the ill, the shut-ins, those in need, and parishioners who deserve recognit…
Read More »Friendship Village and Providence Point
St. Paul’s clergy visit both of these retirement communities regularly, conducting church services and visiting those in the health center. Parishioners also visit regularly.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
If you would like to receive the Eucharist in your home, a Lay Eucharistic visitor will be glad to bring it to you. Please email Laura at to request a visit or call the church office at (412) 531-7153x10.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained and licensed by the Diocese to bring Communion to members of St. Paul's who are unable to attend church on a regular bas…
Read More »Stephen Ministry
St. Paul’s Stephen Ministers have been serving the parish since 2003. Stephen Ministers are trained pastoral caregivers who supplement (but do not substitute) care given by our clergy. They bring the love of Christ to those who are hurting or experiencing difficulties.
St. Paul's Stephen Minister are part of a larger network of pastoral care ministers. To learn more, click here.