Our Community
Know that God loves you. No exceptions!
St. Paul’s is a spiritual home and welcoming community to people of all ages, generations, educational backgrounds, financial means, abilities and disabilities, races, ethnicities and nationalities, without regard to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, with many different family and religious backgrounds. Some of us are lifelong Episcopalians; some were raised in other Protestant denominations or in the Roman Catholic Church; some are new to the Christian faith; some are not quite sure what they believe. There is a place here for you.

Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Regularly scheduled lunch groups, supper clubs, parish dinner events and musical concerts allow our parishioners to form close relationships with one another. Interest groups meet during the week to play bridge or to discuss the latest best seller. On Sundays, many people follow worship with a cu…
Read More »Adult Education

Our education or formation as Christians does not end with Sunday School and Confirmation. Formation begins at infancy and continues throughout our life. We are continuing to be educated and formed in our faith and spirituality, not just learning more, but understanding more about the person God has created us to be and our relationship with God who loves and forgives us. We matu…
Read More »Pastoral Care
Pastoral care ministries make the love of God visible for parishioners. Clergy are available on a daily basis to talk to those wishing guidance, and visit parishioners in hospitals and at home if needed. The pastoral care hotline answers 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies such as accidents or to provide ministration to the dying: call (412)531-7153 and press 5. In addition,…
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