Why Give? God asks us to share our time, talent and treasure. A life of generosity is at the root of Christianity. We encourage you to think about what a meaningful gift would be for you. When you give to St. Paul's you help fund our ministry in the community, our worship, and the staff that supports our community as we strive to be God's hands and feet in the world.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support.
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Ways to Give

All donations to St. Paul's are tax-deductible. Donations may be made, and pledges paid, in the following ways:
Cash: You may pay your pledge through placing cash in a designated envelope in the collection plate on Sunday.
Check: You may pay your pledge through placing a check in the collection plate on Sunday or through the mail.
Online Bill Pay or ACH withdrawal: Many St. Pa…
Read More »Endowment Fund

The St. Paul's Endowment Fund is the cornerstone of a long-range program to provide future financial stability for the parish. It is created through bequests of money and property. Once, invested, the bequests provide income for the special needs of the parish and designated programs.
How can I make a commitment to the Endowment?
Are you interested in growing the Endowment for