Families with Children and Youth

Families are where faith formation begins. Our active children and youth ministries welcome all ages into a warm, loving environment in which to grow in faith. At St. Paul’s, your family will have the opportunity to participate in many faith-filled, fun activities together. Our parish community values, supports, and ministers to children, respecting the unique perspective children bring to their faith. It is truly through their eyes that we behold the face of God, allowing them to minister to us.
Christian education and formation begins at infancy, within the family. It continues at baptism. In the waters of baptism, we are lovingly adopted by God into God’s family, which we call the Church, and given God’s own life to share and be reminded that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ. Education and formation continue through participation in church events such as Sunday School, vacation Bible school, youth groups, and Confirmation classes.
At St. Paul’s, we nurture faith and spirituality by providing opportunities for the children and youth to explore their relationship with God, and their relationship with each other and the world. Each child is nurtured in ways that help them figure out who it is that God has created them to be. Even the youngest children can learn, early in their faith journey, to try to live into the promises made for them at their baptism through the Baptismal Covenant, and that they will affirm for themselves at their Confirmation. At Confirmation, young people and adults make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop. St. Paul’s feels blessed to accompany them on this journey.
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For the Care of Children
Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the joy and care of children: Give us calm strength and patient wisdom as we bring them up, that we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Read More »Sunday School
Please Click Here to sign up for all of our programs for children and youth!
Sunday School at St. Paul's is for kids to learn the stories of God's people. It is also where they learn their place in that story. As God's people, each one of us a part of that family.
Sunday School is a place where children learn to be followers of Christ, and learn what it means to love and serve…
Read More »Youth Ministry at St. Paul's

Our youth hear far too often and far too loudly that their worth lies in their achievements: what grades you get, how many sports you excel at, what instruments you play, what college you will attend. At St. Paul's, however, the first, last, and most important thing youth will hear is that they belong. There is no "them." There is only "us." No matter your interests, experiences,…
Read More »Family

Families are where faith formation begins. Children are a welcome part of our faith community, and are welcome at every service.
At St. Paul's, your family will have the opportunity to participate in many fun, faith-filled activities together.
- Baptisms
- Advent wreath making
- Children and Family Ash Wednesday and Good Friday services
- Easter Egg hunt on Easter morning
- All Parish dinners and brunches

An important youth ministry involving Worship service is our Acolyte ministry. Acolytes are trained to perform specific duties during Sunday morning services to ensure the proper flow of Worship. We take our service serious but we keep it fun! Plus, you don't have to sit in the pews! All youth grades 5 and up are invited to participate. For more information. email the Rev. Erin Morey.
Calvary Camp

Many St. Paul's youth and families attend the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh summer camp, Sheldon Calvary Camp. Learn more about Calvary Camp by visiting their website.

Cotillion is a wonderful St. Paul's tradition-- since 1957, to be exact! St. Paul's cotillion is offered to rising 6th grade students. It is more than "punch and snacks"-- in the course of nine monthly classes, cotillion teaches students different traditional dances (such as the waltz, foxtrot, or tango),as well as important life skills, such as how to introduce themselves, the i…
Read More »Mission Trips

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is asked "Who is my neighbor?" At St. Paul's, one way we seek to answer that question is through our mission trips, connecting with people both nearby and far away. By expanding our definition of community, and seeing all whom we encounter as our neighbor, we are able to do God's work in the world. We seek to form partnerships with those who are servi…
Read More »Nursery School

The mission of St. Paul's Episcopal Nursery School is to provide a play-based early childhood program that utilizes best practices while nurturing the uniqueness of each child.
For over 60 years, St. Paul’s Episcopal Nursery School has served the children of our community as a warm and enriching place to play, learn, grow and discover. Our preschool curriculum encourages age-app…
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