St. Pauls' Columbarium

An Enduring Place for Ashes after Cremation
Christians affirm that Jesus is divine and human, both God and man, and that He lived and died. At His death, the Gospel tells us that the disciples took Jesus’ body and lovingly cared for His mortal remains. On the third day He rose from the dead. This is the foundation of our Christian faith.
Ever since Jesus’ Resurrection, we have reassured one another that we are dust, and to dust we shall return as we repeat “earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust” in the Burial Office.
In historic cathedrals and village churches, the dead have been buried beside, or actually inside, the consecrated structures.
Here at St. Paul’s Church, a portion of the church property has been designated as St. Margaret’s Garden for the interment of ashes following cremation.
St. Paul’s Church now is able to offer the option of being buried inside the church, with the inurning of ashes in a Columbarium.
The Columbarium in St. Paul’s Church is located in the Good Shepherd Chapel. It is within the existing oak doors, to the right side of the Altar. The bronze Columbarium module will contain thirty-six niches for one or two inurnments each, and nine niches for up to four inurnments each.
Each niche has a bronze face plate on which the surname is engraved, under which is engraved the Christian name and the birth year and death year of the deceased person(s).
Just as St. Margaret’s Garden can be a quiet, lovely place for meditation and prayer, so the Good Shepherd Chapel can be open for meditation and prayer for the deceased. Memorial flowers may be placed in customary fashion beside the Altar, if prior arrangements are made with the Altar Guild.
Individual questions may be addressed to the Columbarium Trustees. To find out more about the Columbarium, call us at 412-531-7153. You can also view our brochure here.