Theodore Somes called to St. Paul's as Curate

Dear Friends:
I am excited to announce that Theodore Somes has been called to serve as the Curate of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, beginning on June 2.
As many of you know, Theodore will be ordained as a transitional deacon on June 1st at Calvary Church in Pittsburgh. He has been serving at St. Paul’s as our Lay Assistant for Christian Formation since September 2023 and also serves as a Chaplain Candidate in the US Army Reserve.
The term curate comes from the Latin term “to care for souls.” The term is often used in the Episcopal Church to refer to a training position for a newly ordained person. Theodore will serve at St. Paul’s for the next 2-3 years as part of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Curacy program. During this program, the Diocese will pay for 75% of the cost of Theodore’s compensation and benefits and he will also participate in a training program and may serve the Diocese in other ways outside of the parish.
At St. Paul’s he will join with Laura, Erin and me in the sacramental and pastoral leadership of the parish. He will also help support Spiritual Formation programs, the fellowship commission, Scouts, Newcomer’s ministry and with the Diocese explore the possibility of developing a new worship site in the South Hills.
I am excited that Theodore will continue to serve with us as he grows more deeply into his ministry and vocation. I am also grateful for the Bishop and Diocese’s support in this work.
Please join me in congratulating Theodore as he steps into this ministry.
The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector