Our Evolving COVID 19 Policies

Dear Friends:
The cases of COVID19 in Allegheny County have dropped to extremely low levels, and all of the Commonwealth's COVID19 mitigation measures will be coming to an end this upcoming week. With this is mind, along with the fact that vaccines are not yet available to children and there are people in our community who can not be vaccinated, I am pleased to update you on our parish's health and safety protocols.
After consultation with the Bishop and Vestry, beginning the weekend of July 2nd and 3rd, St. Paul’s will end the requirement of masking for fully vaccinated people in all four of our services. We will continue to use socially distant seating (sit on the green tape in the sanctuary) for the next period of time. Starting that weekend, we will also begin to have clergy process at the 9:15AM and 10:45AM service and to reintroduce acolytes. For the time being, we will continue to offer the peace only with waves, smiles and gestures. Over the next few weeks we plan to evolve our practices for receiving communion. Our Bishop has asked us to continue to refrain from offering the common cup at this time. We are continuing to ask those unvaccinated, including children under twelve, to wear masks during worship and while participating in St. Paul’s activities.
Please know there are those in our parish and community who continue to choose to mask for a variety of thoughtful and good reasons. It is important that we continue to be gracious to one another in making these personal decisions on whether to mask or not.
I am grateful how our community has continued to care for one another, and the health of the wider community. I am also grateful for the extremely high vaccination rate in our parish, and the scientists and medical community whose work is bringing an end to the pandemic.
Tags: St. Paul's Voices