Join in St. Paul's Sacred Suppers in July and August

Dear St. Paul’s community,
In the early days of the church, believers gathered in each other’s homes not only to share meals but also to find strength in fellowship, to support one another amidst persecution, and to grow in their faith and love for God. While our circumstances may differ from the earliest Christians, community remains a vital part of our faith journeys here at St. Paul’s.
As I began to organize this part of our Summer of Suppers, conceived during our brainstorming sessions last Spring, I was reminded of the deep inspiration behind this idea. It calls us to emulate the early church by coming together around a meal in the home of a believer, sharing in the warmth of hospitality, and nurturing our bonds in Christ. In a world often marked by division and isolation, simply gathering for a meal — whether as host or guest — becomes a powerful act of fulfilling our mission to “restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.”
I invite each of you to participate in a Sacred Supper. This isn’t just about sharing food - it’s about fostering deeper connections within our parish family, extending hospitality to our neighbors, and strengthening our faith journeys. It is in these moments of shared meals and prayer that we find what it means to be a community focused on love of God and neighbor.
Blessings always,
The Rev. Theodore Somes, III, Curate