Ignatian Retreat in Daily Life
We all hope that the grace of God would flow constantly into all parts of our lives. But how do we go about figuring out what God wants with us? How can we discern our next steps in life? Ignatius’ Spiritual exercises may be right for you.
Ignatius’ deep desire was to help us grow in our sense of God’s great love for us so that we can return that love in whatever way God is calling. The Spiritual Exercises are a collection of meditations, prayers, and guidelines for growth in the spiritual life.
St. Paul’s will be sponsoring an Ignatian Retreat in Daily Life using The Spiritual Exercises. Groups of parishioners will meet weekly (zoom and/or in person) with direction to learn and experience the Spiritual Exercises developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Each week, the “Exercises” will suggest scriptures, a general theme to pay attention to in daily prayer and prompts for journaling. At our weekly group meetings, there will a time for sharing our week and a time to reflect on what others are saying and experiencing.
We are meant to experience God! If you are interested in joining us, sign up here. Blessings and hope to see you in the fall!
For more information about the historical St. Ignatius and the meaning of his Spiritual Exercises to us today, watch this video from the Jesuit Institute:
Tags: Ignatian Way