A Message from the Rector: New beginnings this Fall!

Dear Friends:
It is so wonderful each week to greet new people to our parish, and welcome back folks who are returning to in-person worship for the first time. It is wonderful to see you, and I am grateful for everyone’s faithfulness throughout the pandemic. Whenever the time feels right for you, know you are welcomed with open arms. During these mid-summer weeks many of our staff are taking much needed vacations – often longer than usual, using up vacation time accrued after having little to no vacation over the last year and a half. We truly are a community alive, having grown in new ways over the last many months in faith, service, and our common life together.
As we plan for the resumption of a somewhat more ‘normal’ September, I want to update you on staff and program transitions.
Celebrating Christin Cooper and Luke Zerra
As we have announced earlier in the year, at the end of this summer Luke Zerra and Christin Cooper will each conclude their ministries at St. Paul’s as they both move forward with their careers. We will celebrate both of their ministries with us during coffee hour at 10:00AM on Sunday, August 29th.There will also be separate events with the Choir and our Youth to say farewell as well.
Welcome new Youth Minister and Director of 8:45AM Music
I am also thrilled to share with you that parishioner Bob Melvin has accepted our offer to serve on staff as Youth Minister and Director of 8:45 Music. This will be a full-time position. Bob is well known in this congregation as a father, musician and great guy. He writes, “I'm thrilled to join the staff of my home parish and get to work helping to deepen and strengthen our bonds of fellowship. I'm honored to have the opportunity to walk in faith alongside our youth -- to celebrate their gifts and their vibrant presence -- and I look forward to God meeting us on the road. I'm also expectant about what we can explore together in our corporate worship, where every voice is lifted and every soul is seen. I'm excited to sing with you, to talk with you, and to continue God's good work of beloved community at St. Paul's!” This position will include coordinating 8:45 music, coordinating Youth and Confirmation programs and editing weekly liturgical bulletins. Bob will join the St. Paul’s staff starting on August 23rd.
Choral Scholars
I am excited to announce that the Friends of Music Committee and the Vestry have approved the resuming of the Choral Scholars program for the 2021-2022 program year with funding for up to four student musicians. The Choral Scholars program brings local college students into the life of our Chancel Choir and offers them a small stipend to share their time and talent with us. Our Chancel Choir and choral liturgy receive their talents and youthful energy, and they receive wonderful music-making opportunities as choral singers and soloists.
Doug Starr writes, “I am delighted that St. Paul's is expanding its Choral Scholar Program as we begin auditions in August to identify four unusually talented college-age singers to sing in Chancel Choir. Over the years, we have seen these young people "adopted" by choir and welcomed into our Music Ministry as choral singers and soloists. Accordingly, the St. Paul's receives their talents and youthful energy and they receive wonderful music-making opportunities and a parish family!”
St. Paul's Choral Scholar Program benefits both the Music Ministry and the career experiences of college-age singers. Auditions begin in August to identify four Choral Scholars for the forthcoming program year, September 2021 through May 2022. Please contact Doug for more information about this ministry.
Beginning of the Program Year in September
Our fabulous Annual Pig Roast will be on Saturday, September 11th in the St. Paul’s parking Lot. The day’s festivities will conclude with a festive Parking Lot Eucharist at 6PM. On Sunday, September 12th we will resume our program year Sunday schedule with services at 8AM (Chapel), 8:45 and 10:45 (Church) service schedule. Sunday School and adult education classes will begin on Sunday, September 19th at 9:45AM. Please watch for announcement and registration information about all these beginnings in the weeks to come.
Personal vacation
I leave on my own vacation after church this Sunday. I will be canoeing in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota with my son’s Scout Troop, and then backpacking with my family at Isle Royal National Park in Lake Superior and then visiting with family at several spots in Northern Michigan. I will be back to St. Paul’s in mid-August.
The Reverend Noah H. Evans
Tags: St. Paul's Voices