A Holy Week and Easter Message from the Rector

During this time of political division and global war it can feel like darkness and death may overcome us. And even in the middle of these troubles, our faith teaches us that God is making all things new, creating life out of places shrouded in death. The faith Jesus proclaimed says “yes,” while steadily looking into the face of everything that seems to say “no.” Our faith proclaims that God is always creating and bringing us new life.
In the midst of death, God brought us new life. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us a vision of how God is working. God brings new life in the face of death, promise in the face of despair, and hope in the face of loss.
I invite you to join us at worship services during Holy Week and Easter! Many of our services will be livestreamed; please see the schedule of Worship Services below for times, including the Passion Play and the Easter Egg Hunt. I look forward to seeing you there.
St. Paul’s relies on gifts like yours to continue to serve the local community and the wider world, and to help us be inspired and grow into taking the risk of love. We cannot do it without your critical support. The generosity of those who surround this Church allows us to continue our work. You can make your Easter gift here, or by sending a check in the mail. You can also scan the QR code on the right.
The Reverend Noah H. Evans, Rector
Holy Week and Easter Worship Services
- 6PM (April 23) in the Church, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
- 8AM in the Chapel, Palm Sunday Service with Blessing of the Palms
- 9:45AM Palm Sunday Combined Worship with Blessing of the Palms, Procession and Passion Play (this service will be livestreamed)
Holy Week Blood Drive: Monday, March 25
Click here for more information.
Holy Wednesday: March 27
11:00AM Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary (this service will be live-streamed)
Maundy Thursday: March 28
7:00PM Maundy Thursday Service in Sanctuary (this service will be live-streamed)
Good Friday: March 29
- 12PM Proper Liturgy for Good Friday in Sanctuary (this service will be live-streamed)
- 1PM Stations of the Cross in Sanctuary
- 3:30PM Stations of the Cross for Children in Sanctuary
Holy Saturday: March 30
7:00PM Great Vigil of Easter in Sanctuary (this service will be live-streamed)
Easter Sunday: March 31
Both the 8:45AM and 10:45AM services include a "pull-out" Children's Sermon
- 7:00AM Easter Sunrise Service in St. Margaret's Garden (music)
- 8:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with the Band)
- 10:45AM Easter Service in Sanctuary (music with Organ and Choir-- this service will be live-streamed)
Easter Sunday, March 31, 9:45AM in St. Margaret's Garden